Monday, June 7, 2010

Don’t Invest in Maybe

I’ve had some opportunity recently to revisit my BHAG, what Jim Collins in “Good to Great” describes as your “big hairy audacious goal”.

The BHAG is that which drives you to move forward towards a specific objective in life.  It is a goal that is not easy to achieve;  something that stretches you (maybe painfully) in a number of ways and establishes a reason for existence that relentlessly calls you to do whatever it takes in order for you to get there.

It provides the filter that you apply against every significant decision and action in  your life since everything you think, say and do takes you closer to or further away from your life goals and purpose.

Many people have hopes, wishes, dreams and aspirations but they do not have a BHAG that they move towards with focus and intention.  They wander aimlessly around hoping to hit on their purpose; wasting their time and the time of those around them.

For people who waste our time, it is easy to be frustrated with others as we think “I can’t believe so-and-so did such-and-such”.

It’s not their fault.

It’s ours.

When someone enters our space, it is OUR choice that determines whether they stay there and what they do while they are there.

We are best equipped to do this when we find our BHAG and are aggressive about controlling what contributes to it, detracts from it and what defines how clear or cloudy it is.

If someone else enters your space and the reasons for collaboration are not immediately clear, politely and respectfully protect your space.

Have the courage to say “no” once in a while and stick to it.

It is YOUR Life after all.

Have a say in how you live it, what feeds into it, what influences it, what consumes your time and what results you produce.

YOU are worth it.

In service and servanthood.


For my detailed musing about “Don’t Invest in Maybe”, please click here.


  1. Dear Harry

    Lately in my life I have been so let down by people around me, I was working for 3 years at a restaurant and I thought cooking was my life ambition but after doing so for 3 years I bailed on what I thought was going to be my life. So this year starting in September I am going to start a power-line technician course which I feel like its something I want to do, maybe not for my whole life but I strive for a challenge. The struggle is.. People around me seem so disappointed in the fact that I just changed my mind and I am unemployed. I mean I am looking for a job but its only been a month since Ive been unemployed. I have had interviews but I feel like I need a break but I LOVE TO WORK. your probably thinking I am confusing. I do want to make money and eventually have ALOT of it with an amazing family. Whats your advice?

    - A 19 year old from Newfoundland

  2. Hi "19 year old from Newfoundland".

    Thank you for sharing your observations. While I don't offer life advice to people, especially to people I don't know well, I will say this.

    The important thing for you to remember when it comes to your life is that it is your life to live and not someone else's.

    Only you know what is right for your life. Establish goals in your life, know what you want to accomplish, know what your responsibilities are to yourself and others, know what your strengths and talents are and then go live a life that brings all of these things together.

    Some things you choose to do in life will not always be popular with others. That is ok! After all, you are living your life and not someone else's.

    If you spend too much time trying to live as others think you should, then you will find that you disappoint some people no matter how hard you try and in such situations, you will have let them down anyway PLUS you will have let yourself down.

    Don't let that happen to you.

    Take care and good luck!

